Cloud Hosting Dubai

Cloud Hosting Dubai

Cloud computing is a concept that appears to be consuming everything in its path and considers as the future of IT and business industry. In simple terms, it’s a broad array of applications which is a pool of many IT-based resources. All of these resources are available on the internet and users can access them anywhere in the world. Generally, there is no involvement from the end user side because all the maintenance activities are controlled by third party providers. Cloud computing is considered as Utility computing in IT-based industries. The end user doesn’t have to install expensive equipment or pay a maintenance fee, they just use the services of third-party providers.

What is Cloud Hosting?

Cloud hosting is the surplus of utility computing where the end user can get different resources such as networks, bandwidth, servers, infrastructure without the need of physically purchasing his own equipment. In cloud computing, each server on the back end is connected together to host a website. Because of this it increases bandwidth and reduces dependence on a single server machine. As cloud hosting has several servers located on different locations, it increases storage extension and offers cheaper hosting plans. This makes cloud hosting as the first preference for many business organizations around the globe.

Cloud Hosting Services in Dubai

As the internet grows there are more than 150 Million people from the Middle East that uses the internet on daily basis. More than 70% of these people have contacted a company for various purposes online. All of these services are available on the internet in the form of websites. You need to have a good hosting service provider for your website to assure that your website will stay online 24/7. GCC cloud hosting is 10x times faster as compared to other UAE Web Hosting Service Providers in the UAE. Each of our hosting plans comes with unlimited bandwidth, Higher memory space and best CPU performance in Dubai. By using cloud hosting, you can save money without sacrificing scalability, integrity or security of your data. All the files available on our servers are backed up automatically as soon as you make a change on your website.

GCC Cloud Hosting Server Dubai

Launch your website today with our advanced cloud hosting servers available in the heart of UAE. Our web hosting experts are available for you in case of any inquiry. Some highlighted features of GCC cloud hosting are:

  • Interactive Dashboard

    Manage your website performance and important metrics with the click of a button.

  • Resource Management

    Allocate resources for your website custom content, you have full control over your usage.

  • Faster load speed

    Your website will load faster with integrated caching technology and optimal website performance.

  • Cpanel Access

    Create a business email account, manage website performance and much more with full access over the cPanel interface.

  • Cloud Mirroring

    In case of hardware failure, your website will be automatically switched to other servers.

Looking for a cost-effective cloud hosting service? Contact our HelpDesk services or send a text message in the Live Chatbox. We have some amazing pricing models for you.